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Bouquet MiaBouquet Mia

Bouquet Mia

Bouquet Mia has a fantastic flair! The combination of white and pink is a popular color palette. The white rose in the middle is known for its large bud and its beautiful blooms.


  • Bouquet Mia small
  • Bouquet Mia medium
  • Bouquet Mia large
Bouquet LaurieBouquet Laurie

Bouquet Laurie

Who will you surprise with this hand-picked bouquet? Bouquet Laurie is a beautifully loosely tied bouquet with a variety of stunning color tones. It includes gerberas, roses, santinis, and lilies, just like freshly picked flowers straight from the field.


  • Bouquet Laurie small
  • Bouquet Laurie medium
  • Bouquet Laurie large
Bouquet Talitha mixedBouquet Talitha mixed

Bouquet Talitha mixed

Spring will have to wait a while, but the tulips will give you that cheerful feeling! A rainbow of colors can be seen in this mixed tulip bouquet.


  • Bouquet Talitha mixed small
  • Bouquet Talitha mixed medium
  • Bouquet Talitha mixed large
Bouquet Talitha pastelBouquet Talitha pastel

Bouquet Talitha pastel

The beautiful, soft colors of this bouquet are a true delight to the eye. Giving tulips also carries a special meaning, as they symbolize loyalty and friendship. A perfect gift for your dear friend or devoted partner!

Order Sustainable Flowers at Topbloemen.nl

Do you want to order flowers with care for people and the environment? At Topbloemen.nl, you will find a beautiful assortment of sustainable flowers. These bouquets are carefully arranged and sourced from growers and florists committed to a better environment and fair working conditions. Choose a sustainable bouquet and enjoy flowers that are not only beautiful but also responsibly produced.

What Makes Our Flowers Sustainable?

Sustainable flowers are cultivated with respect for both nature and people. This means:

  • Reduced use of pesticides and more environmentally friendly cultivation methods
  • Sustainable transportation with minimal CO₂ emissions
  • Fair working conditions for growers
  • Less waste by working with fresh, daily-picked flowers

By choosing sustainable flowers, you contribute to a greener world without compromising on quality and freshness.

Green Florist: Certified Sustainable Flowers

Do you want flowers that are guaranteed to be responsibly grown? Choose a bouquet with the Green Florist certification. Green Florist stands for sustainable flower cultivation with lower environmental impact and a fair production process, in accordance with the Floral Sustainability Initiative standards. These bouquets are a responsible choice for any occasion, from birthdays and anniversaries to get-well wishes and corporate gifts.

Ordering Sustainable Flowers: Easy and Fast

At Topbloemen.nl, ordering sustainable flowers is just as simple as ordering a regular bouquet:

  1. Select your favorite sustainable bouquet from our collection
  2. Add a personal message to your order
  3. Choose your preferred delivery date
  4. We ensure fast and careful delivery

Would you like to contribute to a better world? Order your sustainable bouquet today at Topbloemen.nl.


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