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Bouquet Franky

Bouquet Raya

Birthday bouquet Raya
Order more sustainable flowers and bouquets
"A little greener every day" is the vision of Green florist.
The label that tells where and how your flowers are grown
The Green florist label stands for two different ways of making the flower industry more sustainable. Green florist product gives a guarantee that the flowers in the bouquets consist of at least 80% sustainably grown flowers. In addition, Green florist shop focuses on sustainable operations of local independent florists. Both are applied by Topbloemen and its local florists. Currently 85% of the affiliated florists supplying for Topbloemen are Green florist certified. By the end of 2023 this should be 100% with new florists having 6 months to certify.
Demonstrating more sustainable flowers
Demonstrating the sustainability of the composed bouquets is done through MPS-A certification. If the bouquet consists of at least 80% flowers with an MPS-A certification or higher, the bouquet meets the criteria of the Green florist label.
In this section you will find bouquets that meet these criteria.
What does this mean?
The organization MPS manages certificates that ensure transparency and make sustainability measurable within the horticultural sector.
MPS-A falls under MPS-ABC, the environmental certificate for sustainable management of growers and growers. By registering consumption data of, among other things, crop protection products, fertilizers, energy, water and waste, it becomes clear to what extent the grower is growing sustainably. The MPS-ABC certificate is a unique company standard in the world and is used and recognized in almost all parts of the world.
There are three levels under the MPS-ABC environmental certificate, of which MPS-A is the most environmentally friendly. MPS-A+ goes a step further with additional requirements for frontrunners with the best environmental performance. The score of frontrunners is at least 90 points. In addition, the company achieves 85 percent of the score on crop protection and 75 percent of the score on fertilizers and energy.