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Picking bouquets

Bouquet Paola

Bouquet Paola

This colorful eye-catcher is our stunning Paola bouquet! This cheerful bouquet radiates warmth and energy, with vibrant colors perfect for spring and summer.


  • Bouquet Paola small
  • Bouquet Paola medium
  • Bouquet Paola large
Bouquet Yuna

Bouquet Yuna

This colorful bouquet full of different flowers is ideal to cheer up the recipient.
Bouquet Liane

Bouquet Liane

This bouquet has a soft color composition which also makes it a perfect gift for any occasion.
Bouquet LaurieBouquet Laurie

Bouquet Laurie

Who will you surprise with this hand-picked bouquet? Bouquet Laurie is a beautifully loosely tied bouquet with a variety of stunning color tones. It includes gerberas, roses, santinis, and lilies, just like freshly picked flowers straight from the field.


  • Bouquet Laurie small
  • Bouquet Laurie medium
  • Bouquet Laurie large
Bouquet Carmen

Bouquet Carmen

This beautiful bouquet Carmen combines classic red roses with the cheerful charm of red and pink gerberas, elegant lilies, and pink carnations.
Bouquet Marieke

Bouquet Marieke

A loosely bound bouquet of assorted pink flowers. Surprise yourself or the birthday person with this cheerful bouquet. This bouquet looks great on any table!
Bouquet Jana

Bouquet Jana

Add color to someone's day with our festive Jana bouquet! With the colorful mix of roses, germinis, alstroemeria, chrysanthemums and carnations, the Jana bouquet is a beautiful mix of flowers that makes every moment special.


  • Bouquet Jana small
  • Bouquet Jana medium
  • Bouquet Jana large
Bouquet MiaBouquet Mia

Bouquet Mia

Bouquet Mia has a fantastic flair! The combination of white and pink is a popular color palette. The white rose in the middle is known for its large bud and its beautiful blooms.


  • Bouquet Mia small
  • Bouquet Mia medium
  • Bouquet Mia large
Bouquet Raya

Bouquet Raya

With the soft pink tones of roses, gerberas, and chrysanthemums, combined with the warm accents of purple lisianthus and limonium, the Raya bouquet is a stunning eye-catcher.

Picking bouquets

Picking bouquets are immensely popular these days and instantly create a good atmosphere in the home. They are characterized by tall flowers with few leaves, so that the focus is entirely on the flowers. With a bouquet of picking flowers you choose a playful and cheerful character in your home or that of the recipient. At Topbloemen.nl you will discover a wide range of the most varied picking bouquets.

Cheerful bouquets with cut flowers

At Topbloemen.nl we like to give you a large collection to choose from, so you will always choose a picking bouquet that suits you perfectly. How about the colorful bouquet Laurie, which includes orange lilies, red gerberas and pink roses? Or go for the bright white picking bouquet Elin with radiant eye-catchers. Order your favorite picking bouquet in your desired size, namely small, medium or large.

Bouquets delivered

We deliver bouquets plukboeketten throughout the Netherlands. If you order before 14:00 hours we will be at the door the same day with your brand new bouquet. Choosing a date in the future is also possible. Moreover, you enjoy 7 days freshness guarantee. Minimum, because picking bouquets that are in full bloom for 14 days are certainly no exception with us. 

Bouquet with vase and card

When you choose a beautiful bouquet from the selection of Topbloemen.nl you can also directly order a matching vase. This will make your bouquet even more beautiful. This is also a nice gift to give. In that case you can optionally add a card with a personal text.

Order picking bouquets online

And which bouquets do you see shining in your interior? With our wide range, it is certainly cool to vary and constantly provide your home with a new bouquet of picking flowers. Soft tones, bright colors, take a look at the selection of bouquets on Topbloemen.nl and order the most beautiful, radiant bouquet for yourself or for your recipient. This way you create maximum atmosphere in your home!

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