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Birthday bouquets

Birthday bouquet LexieBirthday bouquet Lexie

Birthday bouquet Lexie

Surprise the birthday boy or girl with Lexie's birthday bouquet! The perfect gift for an unforgettable birthday.


  • Birthday bouquet Lexie small
  • Birthday bouquet Lexie medium
  • Birthday bouquet Lexie large
Birthday bouquet Mia

Birthday bouquet Mia

Hip hip hooray! Which birthday boy are you going to surprise with Bouquet Mia?


  • Birthday bouquet Mia small
  • Birthday bouquet Mia medium
  • Birthday bouquet Mia large
Birthday Bouquet Talitha mixedBirthday Bouquet Talitha mixed

Birthday Bouquet Talitha mixed

combo deal: white wine and sampler hieperdepiep. Mixed tulip bouquet
Birthday bouquet LaurieBirthday bouquet Laurie

Birthday bouquet Laurie

Surprise your loved ones with a beautiful bouquet full of various flowers!


  • Birthday bouquet Laurie small
  • Birthday bouquet Laurie medium
  • Birthday bouquet Laurie large
Birthday bouquet Jana

Birthday bouquet Jana

Make every birthday party unforgettable with birthday bouquet Jana!


  • Birthday bouquet Jana small
  • Birthday bouquet Jana medium
  • Birthday bouquet Jana large
Birthday bouquet Talitha pastelBirthday bouquet Talitha pastel

Birthday bouquet Talitha pastel

The beautiful, soft colors of this bouquet are a feast for the eyes. In addition, giving tulips has a beautiful meaning because they stand for loyalty and friendship. A perfect gift for your dear girlfriend or loyal partner!
Birthday Bouquet RayaBirthday Bouquet Raya

Birthday Bouquet Raya

With the soft pink hues of roses, gerberas, and chrysanthemums, combined with the warm accents of purple lisianthus and limonium, bouquet Raya is a stunning eye-catcher.
Birthday Bouquet AlleyBirthday Bouquet Alley

Birthday Bouquet Alley

Is it someone's birthday soon? Surprise him or her with a beautiful combination of flowers and chocolate! Birthday Bouquet Alley is our tip for you.
Birthday bouquet NoorBirthday bouquet Noor

Birthday bouquet Noor

Looking for just a little bit more? Then surprise the birthday person with this birthday bouquet! The flowers in combination with the Tiny Tony's really make it a party. Success guaranteed!


  • Birthday bouquet Noor small
  • Birthday bouquet Noor medium
  • Birthday bouquet Noor large
Birthday bouquet Eveline

Birthday bouquet Eveline

Are you still looking for an awesome birthday gift?
Birthday bouquet RubyBirthday bouquet Ruby

Birthday bouquet Ruby

Birthday coming up? Give him or her a Ruby birthday bouquet as a gift! A rainbow of colors can be seen in this beautiful bouquet.
Birthday bouquet MariekeBirthday bouquet Marieke

Birthday bouquet Marieke

It doesn't get more festive than this! If you are looking for the perfect bouquet to put a birthday boy in the spotlight, then our colorful Marieke bouquet with birthday garland and Tiny Tony's chocolates is perfect for you.
Bouquet Carmen

Bouquet Carmen

This beautiful bouquet Carmen combines classic red roses with the cheerful charm of red and pink gerberas, elegant lilies, and pink carnations.
Bouquet Chloe

Bouquet Chloe

Wow! With this extra large bouquet, the recipient can only be overwhelmed! This lavish bouquet brings color and warmth to any living room. A perfect gift for anyone who wants to convey a great message. Surprise the recipient today with this extra large bouquet from Topbloemen.nl.

Wide range of birthday flowers

A birthday is the perfect moment to send someone flowers, because you let them know you are thinking about them. At Topbloemen.nl you can easily order birthday flowers and have them delivered personally by your local florist. On this page you will find a nice selection of birthday flowers. These bouquets can be delivered all over the Netherlands. There are more than 200 local florists affiliated with us, spread across the country. The bouquets are delivered personally, so the attention value is high.

7 days freshness guarantee on birthday flowers

When you order a bouquet for someone's birthday through Topbloemen.nl, you will always get fresh flowers of high quality. The specially selected florists know exactly what they deliver. You also benefit from a 7-day delivery guarantee when you order through us. The recipient will enjoy the bouquet for a long time. Not only for a birthday, but also for various other occasions it is nice to give a bouquet as a gift. For example, how about a field bouquet, roses or have someone's favorite flowers delivered?

Choose a beautiful birthday flower and surprise the lucky one

Even if you don't have time to be at that particular party, you can of course have flowers delivered! You order in just 3 steps and we will deliver the bouquet on the day you want. Are you on the late side? No problem! Order before 2 p.m. and we'll make sure your friend, family member or associate receives a beautiful bouquet the same day. After all, a bouquet of flowers always does the trick. Any questions? Feel free to contact us by calling 088 - 110 8000 or take a look at the frequently asked questions. 

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