The charity bouquets in 2023
At, we help people find a beautiful bouquet every day to convey their personal message. Yet as an organization we also want to dedicate ourselves to people and/or animals who need more than a beautiful bouquet to achieve a greater goal. Through the charity bouquet, we support a different CBF recognized charity every month with a monetary donation. This way we can help as many charities as possible with their mission to make this world a little better.
December 2023 - Alzheimer Nederland
Every child deserves a childhood without worries. To be equal, to friends. A bicycle, new clothes, finally a day out, a new comforter or a present for christmas. Kinderhulp is for all children and young people in the Netherlands between the ages of 0 and 21 who are growing up in poverty. We help them, unconditionally. So that they too can belong and have equal opportunities for the future. Just like every other child.
November 2023 - Alzheimer Nederland
Alzheimer Nederland is committed to one of the biggest challenges of our time: dementia. 1 in 5 people will develop dementia. So everyone will have to deal with it sooner or later. Together with thousands of volunteers, people with dementia, informal caregivers, researchers, donors and collectors, Alzheimer Nederland is working on a future without dementia and on a better quality of life for people with dementia and their caregivers.
€ 6.360

October 2023 - CP Nederland
CP is a posture and movement disorder caused by damage to the brain. This damage occurs during pregnancy, during birth due to a lack of oxygen, for example, or due to trauma in the first year of life. CP Nederland believes in the possibilities of everyone with CP and wants to support and encourage them to get the most out of life; that people with CP can participate as fully as possible in society.
€ 8.410

September 2023 - Jeugdeducatiefonds
The JEF believes that every child in the Netherlands should be able to develop themselves. With the help of the primary school, the JEF supports children from families with a low socio-economic status in order to increase their chances for the future. This is badly needed, because no child should be the victim of poverty.
August 2023 - Cliniclowns
CliniClowns are there for everyone who is scared, insecure, lonely or sad and desperately needs the power of a smile. A carefree moment with CliniClowns makes sick children forget for a moment that they are ill and people with dementia or disabilities feel seen and understood. That really makes a difference; it brings out the positive power in themselves. And that has a lasting effect.
€ 4.860

July 2023 - Dream4Kids foundation
Together with volunteers, Dream4Kids organizes unique Dream Days for children between the ages of 6 and 12 with trauma. These children often lose confidence in themselves and the world around them. During a Dream Day, the most beautiful dreams of children with trauma come true.
€ 4.955

June 2023 - Living Memories foundation
You are lived when you have a seriously ill child. Sometimes capturing the ordinary moments gets in the way. When your child is no longer with you, those very moments prove valuable. That is why the Memories Foundation makes free video's of those very moments. Because making memories is what you do now.
€ 16.525

May 2023 - SOS Children's Villages
SOS Children's Villages believes in the power of family. Yet as many as 1 in 10 children grow up without parental care or are at risk of losing it. For these children, SOS Children's Villages is there. This charity supports children in their own families or takes them into an SOS family, so that they are assured of attention, food, education and love.
€ 5.575

April 2023 - ALS Foundation
The ALS Nederland Foundation funds scientific research into the cause and treatment of ALS and the related diseases PSMA and PLS. This is badly needed because a solution to ALS is urgently needed. After the first symptoms, patients with ALS live an average of three to five years.
€ 3.505

March 2023 - Free-A-Girl
Free A Girl strives for a world without sexual exploitation of children. By offering victims direct help and addressing impunity. This is desperately needed because worldwide two million children, especially girls, are trapped in a situation of sexual exploitation.
€ 3.630

Februari 2023 - Doctors without borders
Doctors without Borders ensures that people can count on medical care where it is needed most. Around the world, day and night, their teams spring into action to help in harrowing situations such as women giving birth in war zones or deadly diseases spreading at lightning speed.
€ 5.915

Januari 2023 - Make-a-Wish foundation
The Make-A-Wish Foundation makes wishes come true for children with life-threatening illnesses. A special wish day empowers children and gives them confidence and strength for the future.
€ 4.985

How does it work?
Every month, one bouquet from our assortment is dedicated to a specific cause. The idea: customers donate € 2,50 to the charity when purchasing this bouquet - this amount is included in the price of the bouquet - and doubles this donation. So per sold bouquet € 5,- goes to the charity of the month.
Would you like to propose a charity yourself? Mail to and ask for the pitch form.