With this beautiful bouquet of flowers, you can let someone know you’re thinking of them. A heartwarming gesture that extends far beyond the recipient of these flowers. By purchasing this bouquet, you’re also supporting The National Foundation for the Elderly (Het Nationaal Ouderenfonds) in its fight against loneliness among older adults.
The National Foundation for the Elderly connects seniors with each other and with society. In the Netherlands, over 1.8 million older adults feel lonely, a number expected to rise to 2.2 million by 2030. Through initiatives such as OldStars sports activities and the PlusBus outings, the foundation creates meaningful social connections, fostering strong social networks. This helps older adults remain socially engaged, active, and valued members of the community.
With every purchase of this colorful bouquet, €2.50 will be donated directly to The National Foundation for the Elderly. Topbloemen.nl will generously double your contribution, donating €5 for every bouquet sold! Together, we can ensure that no senior has to feel alone. Will you join us?